Thursday, 13 December 2018

It's Been A While

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Many thoughts float through my mind lately.  Thoughts of my memoir, thoughts of my children, thoughts of Christmas, thoughts of 2019.

Starting at the top of the list:  My memoir.

My summer revision project (Summer '18, that is) was to start back at childhood and fill in all the gaps and details up to present day.  I wanted to write a complete draft, leaving nothing out.  The thought behind this seemed logical:  Whittling down was easier than building up.  When I mentioned this to my writing group, one lady exclaimed, "That's a huge job".

I was not deterred.  When I arrived in the Rockies in May (by the way, I worked in the Rockies for 5 months over the summer!), I dove in rapidly, but quickly lost steam.  It felt as if my hands were weighed down by cement every time the keyboard was touched.  Things just were not flowing.  By the end of the summer, I only had two chapters written and I wasn't terribly thrilled with them.  Something wasn't quite right.

Starting at the end of September in Whistler was a 7-week 'Writer In Residence' program, offered through the Whistler Writers Festival.  I was encouraged to sign up for this course by the grand dame of all things literary in this neck of the woods, Stella.  The program consisted of 3 one-on-one sessions with the resident writer, and four group sessions with the other 9 students.  Ideas were suggested as to possible structural considerations; some I fancied and some caused me pause.  Again, something wasn't sitting quite right with me.  I was definitely moving in the right direction, but still was not quite there.

Shortly after the course began, the 4-day Whistler Writers Festival took place.  I had signed up for a non-fiction manuscript assessment with a publisher to whom I pitched at the 2017 Festival.  Within seconds of walking into the room with her, I was given some of the best news I could ever have imagined:  She was interested in proceeding with me and my manuscript!  A publisher said 'yes'!

I was thrilled, ecstatic, blown away and giddy as a little child on Christmas morning.  Validated also aptly described my mood.

An entirely new focus then began for how my story was to unfold.  I read books on structure, on writing memoirs (Memoir Writing For Dummies is fabulous, by the way!); basically learning the craft of writing as if back in school.  Writing a book involves more than just writing words on a page; there is a ton of thinking and scribbling of thoughts before you even know what to write.  It's quite a process.

It has been over a month since the course wrapped up, and I am 85% there with my outline.  I have figured out my voices; figured out most of the structure; and figured out how I will wrap everything up in the end.  The missing 15% is about the message.  I am fine-tuning and clarifying just what I want the overall message of the book to be.  Given the current societal climate, I truly feel that what I have to say is important.  I want it to be important.  I want my book to make a difference.  In order to achieve that, I must carefully think out and dissect what the overall message will be, and how it will be delivered.   I have a huge opportunity before me to impart some wisdom and inspire confidence.  This is a task I take seriously and with great conviction.

Next in line is Christmas.  This year, traditions are changing a bit and flexibility is required.  Yes, I will be spending the majority of the holidays with my children, just on a slightly different schedule compared to the past several years.  Without surprise, I've cried over this altering of events.  Even though one has notions that something is coming down the pipe, it does not make it any easier to accept when it becomes reality.  Any single parent out there will know of what I speak.  Plans have been made to do other activities when the children are not yet with me.  I will not lie about and feel sorry for myself.  As someone suggested, this is the time to establish new traditions just for me because it's my Christmas, too.  I like that.  In my world, that means time with girlfriends!

And, how will 2019 take shape?  All I really know is that I have a book to write.  I want to have a good, solid first draft (well, second draft really if you count the original that needs so much work!) to submit to my publisher by the end of the summer.  A self-imposed deadline.  In between, I will definitely need time in the mountains to nourish my soul.  What form that mountain time will take is something I'm working on.  Needless to say, there will be mountain time for this 53-year old lady.

As 2018 winds down, I wish everyone a happy, healthy and fantastically fabulous 2019.  Get out there and go after whatever it is you want to go after.  Stand strong, take no guff from no one, smile lots and laugh even more.  Find your own version of an alpine trail, and fill it with as much beauty as possible.   That's what I plan to do.

I'll keep you posted on the book writing.

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