Friday, 30 March 2018

50-ish And Feeling Fine

Friday, March 30, 2018

Since posting began 3 1/2 years ago, the name of my blog has evolved, properly reflecting how I felt at different points in time. 

Initially, "49 And Feeling Fine" suited my life (and blog) to a T.  I was 49 years old when the first words were typed.  And, indeed, I felt fine!

Then, as time went on and personal matters were approached, examined, analyzed (and I turned 50), "Strong As Steel" better reflected my frame of mind.  A steel inner core upheld me while my past was torn apart.

After a good solid year spent reflecting on the past two-and-a-bit decades, I excitedly look forward to new and upcoming adventures.  Although my steely inner core will forever strengthen and bolster me, it now seems a bit too cold, a bit too rigid, a bit too serious and a bit too in-your-face for how I feel today.

Today, I laugh, smile and gaze up at all sorts of amazing and wonderful examples of beauty.  I feel light-hearted and full of optimism.  It is now time for the blog title to evolve once again.

Today, who I am is properly reflected in "50-ish And Feeling Fine".

I hope you are fine as well.

Tuesday, 27 March 2018

Questions and Answers

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

A few months ago, while visiting a girlfriend, a book was brought to my attention.

Have you heard of The Book of Answers, by Carol Bolt?

Well, my goodness, it is simply amazing.

This is how the book works:

First, concentrate on a question which requires an answer; an answer that will offer you some sense of inspiration or direction.  Then, while holding the book between your two hands, pose that question to the book.  Next, run the pages along your thumb and when the time is just right, stop at that particular page.  Look at the words written on that particular page.  There is the answer to your question.

Clever, isn't it?

This past Christmas many girlfriends received The Book of Answers from yours truly.  Life is full of questions and sometimes we need help finding the answers.

Let me give you an example.  Today, I asked the following question to the book:

               Will I return to the manuscript?

The answer I randomly came upon stated the following:

               Keep An Open Mind

That, to me, was very encouraging.  My interpretation was that yes, I should keep the door open and continue to work (at whatever pace) on my memoir manuscript.  That I should not simply give up on it.

Lately, I have taken to writing down my questions and answers.  It has turned into a daily exercise.  If nothing else, it gets the neurotransmitters firing about various possibilities.

I highly recommend trying it for yourself.

Do it more than once a day.  Do it as many times as you like.  Apparently, it makes a great parlour game at dinner parties!

I plan to take my book with me when I head out on an adventure later this spring (more about that particular adventure tomorrow).  I will be meeting new people, in a somewhat new, yet familiar, environment.  This book will be a great ice breaker with colleagues and new friends, and a guiding force during this time of independence. 

The most valuable lesson, I think, is to keep asking questions; keep wondering what is going on in your life, and what might go on in your life (and what did go on in your life...aye, there's the rub!).   Be curious.  Coming upon the answers to your questions is so incredibly enlightening and satisfying.  To finally figure out the answers to some of Life's more daunting questions is eye-opening, mind-opening and likely to put a huge smile on your face.

I'm smiling right now.

Happy Tuesday!