Monday, 24 April 2017

An Interesting Observation

Monday, April 24, 2017

I sit at a wooden table, typing away in a corner of the glass-encased restaurant located at the top of our locally-operated gondola.  I'm working on a chapter of my book.  It is a lovely spring day, the snow-covered alpine is slowly melting from the mountain tops.  I like to call this place my Alpine Living Room.

Outside at the picnic tables, situated on the deck overlooking the stunning view of fjord and mountains, sit two separate gatherings of humans.

One table has two ladies animatedly chatting away, having a fabulously fun time together in the sun.  Each has lots to say to the other.

Another table has a group of four, early 20-ish friends gathered.  At any given moment in time, at least one of the four is staring at his/her screen.  Amidst all this natural splendour, not to mention time with friends beyond four walls, there is the never-ending need to have technology and connectivity over-rule direct human interaction.

I have caught myself in situations where I have placed priority on technology.  Shameful, really.

This is a good reminder of who you would like to be:  Willing to share your thoughts, dreams and laughter with another human being, face to face.  Or, withdraw from human interaction, in favour of some gizmo with a screen.

I'll take the happy, chatty ladies any day!

Happy Monday.

Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Forgiveness ... Contemplation Continues

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

I continue to mull over the topic of forgiveness.

I have read a book discussing Nelson Mandela's various perspectives on life.  Highly educational and very helpful.   Desmond Tutu is next.

Progress is being made.

Once again, a eureka moment bowls me over and offers an entirely new perspective on this deeply philosophical debate.   The act of forgiveness, or making peace as I prefer,  does not release the wrong-doer from the wrong-doing.  Not at all.  The release is for the person who suffered at the hands of the wrong-doer.  Making peace releases me of the obligation/responsibility to hold on to my hurt and anger and confusion.  It allows/permits ME to let go of my emotions and to no longer let these emotions wear me down.  The benefit is entirely for ME.  Not him.  

An incredible revelation, to be sure.

The education continues (and is turning into one heck of a chapter for my book). 

Happy Wednesday, Everyone.

Monday, 10 April 2017

Forgiveness: An Examination

Monday, April 10, 2017

I am examining the definition, meaning, context, and depth of the word "forgive".

The muddied waters are becoming slightly more clear.

I have not yet arrived at this prestigious and elevated destination.

I am, however, teetering on the edge yet seem to be holding my balance.  I have not fallen back.  Forward progress is still being made.

An instant and absolute revelation is not anticipated.  This will take some mulling over and contemplation.

Some angles of the argument are understood.  Others, not quite yet.

Tomorrow I will zip up the highway to the library and check out Nelson Mandela's Long Walk To Freedom.  My doctor has suggested I read some of this incredible man's writings on the topic.  Desmund Tutu's as well.

For now, I will continue the mulling.